Cleveland leading the way on investing ARPA dollars for maximum impact: Justin M. Bibb

Guest Columnist, Mayor Justin M. Bibb

CLEVELAND -- As we continue to emerge from the pandemic, the federal government is making unprecedented investments in local economies through the $1.7 trillion American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the $1.3 trillion Infrastructure Innovation and Jobs Act (IIJA), and other legislation still under development. To realize the full benefit of this historic moment, we must think creatively and strategically about how we allocate these funds. We must also be organized and prepared to compete effectively for future support.

Cleveland’s annual general fund budget is $704 million. The $512 million we will have received in total from ARPA is the eighth largest allocation of any municipality in the country. In addition, more than 160 entities in metropolitan Cleveland are also being funded, pushing regional investment to upwards of $1.3 billion. If we are aligned on priorities and leveraging these investments to attract additional dollars, there is no limit to what we can accomplish.

To be clear, we are not talking about spending ARPA dollars on one-off projects and programs. Such a list would be endless and, after three years, we would find ourselves in the same place we started. Instead, we need transformational strategies that can reverse decades of decline and disinvestment, improve residents’ quality of life, address economic and social disparities and enhance our competitiveness.

Our approach to ensure this happens is my Rescue & Transformation Plan, executed by leaders from departments across the city through the Center for Economic Recovery. The plan is centered around three elements: focused priorities; clear evaluation criteria; and a strategic, thoughtful, and transparent process that includes a commitment to working closely with Cleveland City Council. The Center is currently evaluating proposals, aligning strategy, coordinating actions, and looking at additional funding opportunities to make ARPA spending recommendations based on ten big-picture priorities.

These ten priorities include stabilizing the budget, inclusive economic recovery that drives equitable growth, affordable housing for all, comprehensive approaches to violence prevention and public safety, closing the digital divide, modernizing City Hall and services for residents, supporting education and learning at all ages and stages, ending our city’s lead crisis and investing in arts and neighborhood amenities. The tenth priority is the creation of a Civic Participation Fund — also known as participatory budgeting — which allows residents to have a voice, to make decisions about real dollars and to work with members of City Council on issues at the hyper-local level.

These priorities reflect what residents told us are the big, vexing issues holding Cleveland back. The city’s Center for Economic Recovery has identified nine criteria to evaluate and assess potential investments: strategic fit, community impact, measurable outcomes, racial equity and inclusion, environmental sustainability, global competitiveness and differentiation, financial leverage, and longevity of the impact.

In terms of process, we have until the end of 2024 to allocate ARPA dollars. By the end of 2026, the money must be spent. These deadlines are real, and they apply some pressure and urgency, but they will not keep us from ensuring that our process is rigorous, transparent and — most importantly — that it delivers real change for the residents of Cleveland.

We can be a model for America with thoughtful urgency and collaborative execution on how we spend this money. The Center for Economic Recovery team is meeting daily to refine objectives, evaluate initiatives, and make their first round of spending recommendations. Per our legislative process, funding recommendations will go to Cleveland City Council for approval on a quarterly basis.

Cleveland, this is our shot. We cannot afford to squander ARPA dollars on pet projects or one-and-done ideas. Not if we want to make real, systemic change. The Rescue & Transformation Plan is our roadmap for achieving this.

Nobel Prize-winning American economist Joseph Stiglitz said in a 2013 speech that “the only true and sustainable prosperity is shared prosperity.” In Cleveland, we are committed to spending this historic investment on initiatives that make the city that we share a better place for generations to come.

Learn more at: Mayor Bibb’s Rescue & Transformation Plan.

Justin M. Bibb is the mayor of Cleveland.

Read the original article here.

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