KOLD News 13: City of Tucson Mayor speaks out after receiving $2-million grant to combat gun violence

Shelby Slaughter, KOLD News 13

TUCSON, Ariz. (KOLD News 13) - Tucson Mayor Regina Romero has announced a $2-million grant from the U.S. Department of Justice to assist the Tucson Police Department to reduce gun crime and other serious violence. This grant is part of a $100-million historic investment funded in part through the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act passed by the Senate this year.

“The best way to combat crime and gun violence in our community is through a holistic approach an prevention strategies and violence intervention strategies,” said Mayor Romero.

The highly competitive national grant provides funding to expand the Tucson Police Department’s existing gun violence prevention efforts and develop new programs with community partners impacted by violence.

The grant also builds on the collective problem-solving infrastructure already in place at the Department through the Place Network Investigations Board and the creation of the Special Services and Innovation Bureau with specialized units addressing mental health, substance misuse, houselessness, and violent crime reduction.

Read the original article here.


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