WILX News 10: Operation Slow Down: Lansing police to crack down on speeding

Amaya Kuznicki and WILX News 10

LANSING, Mich. (WILX) - The Lansing Police Department announced its plan to crack down on speeding drivers. The department held a press conference Wednesday morning to introduce “Operation Slow Down.”

Using money from the American Rescue Plan Act, the city will install 25 speed enforcement signs across Lansing. The signs will help police collect data to notice better certain traffic patterns, such as vehicle count and the time of day with the highest speed violators.

“We want to make sure that the people of Lansing are safe, but we cant be everywhere at the same time,” said mayor Andy Schor.

In 2020 and 2021, there were reportedly 24 fatalities on Lansing roads with nine of those related to speeding.

The signs will be placed throughout the city and display a driver’s speed.

“These are an indicator or a reminder that you are driving over the speed limit, you need to slow down and make sure you use all due caution, especially when you’re driving in neighborhoods,” said police chief Ellery Sosebee.

While drivers won’t be ticketed by the signs, police hope they will so people down.

“We just want to avoid a tragedy before it happens,” Sosebee said.

Read the original article here.


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