WJZ CBS Baltimore: Baltimore Mayor signs bill that expands protection for LGBTQIA+ community


BALTIMORE -- Mayor Brandon Scott and other Baltimore City officials have signed a bill that expands protections for the LGBTQIA+ community, according to the mayor's office.

Baltimore City Council Councilman Kristerfer Burnett, LGBTQ Affairs Director Londyn Smith de Richelieu and other city officials signed the bill, which is called Unlawful Practices—Discrimination Based on Characteristics or Status.

The bill extends protections against discrimination against a person regardless of their HIV or AIDS status, other characteristics or status, or association with individuals who have a particular characteristic or status.

Additionally, the bill prohibits the willful use of the incorrect name or pronouns of an individual under certain circumstances, according to the bill's language.

It was sponsored by council members Burnett, John Bullock, Odette Ramos, James Torrence, Zeke Cohen, and Sharon Green Middleton.

"We believe in the inherent dignity and worth of every individual, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression," Scott said. "In a time when states and communities across the country are taking the regressive steps to eliminate protections, the City of Baltimore is taking the opposite approach and expanding them. Our city is dedicated to creating a space where LGBTQIA+ individuals are embraced, respected, and afforded the same rights and opportunities that everyone deserves."

Read the original article here.


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